Monday, June 17, 2024

A new era for North Korea.. Kim celebrated the launch of “Space Ranger”.


After two failed attempts in May and August, a North Korean news agency said the missile had been launched early Tuesday morning and “accurately placed the Melikyong-1 spy satellite into orbit,” while South Korea confirmed for its part. Success of this action.

The North Korean news agency quoted Kim as saying during a visit to the National Space Agency that the launch represented “the full exercise of the right of self-defense.”

He asserted that the spy satellite would help protect the North from “dangerous and aggressive movements of hostile forces” and open the way for a “new era of space power” in the country.

Pictures released by Pyongyang showed the North Korean leader, accompanied by his daughter Jo Ae, praising scientists and collaborators at the space agency, renamed the “National Aerospace Technology Administration” (NATA in English).

Kim, dressed in a black leather coat, greeted the smiling, uniformed staff, who all enthusiastically applauded the leader and his daughter.

State media released photos of Kim at a reception that included NATA staff, senior military and political officials, and his daughter and wife Ri Sol Ju.

The president’s family and other attendees at the reception wore T-shirts with “NATA” written on them.

North Korea has announced it is suspending a 2018 deal with South Korea aimed at reducing military tensions, Yonhap agency reported.

The announcement came after South Korea announced on Wednesday that it was partially suspending the agreement and resuming surveillance operations along the border in response to Pyongyang’s announcement that it had successfully launched a synthetic spy satellite.

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Rolf Colon
Rolf Colon
"Creator. Award-winning problem solver. Music evangelist. Incurable introvert."

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