Home science Pregnancy and Childbirth: “I have given birth to more than 10,000 babies and none of them died.

Pregnancy and Childbirth: “I have given birth to more than 10,000 babies and none of them died.

Pregnancy and Childbirth: “I have given birth to more than 10,000 babies and none of them died.
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Katja believes that the memories of her work will keep her happy after retirement

  • author, Pramila Krishnan
  • stock, BBC – Tamil

“I have successfully delivered more than 10,000 babies, all of them normal births and no deaths in my hands.”

Katika Bibi looks back on her 33-year career and recalls how she helped women in their most vulnerable moments.

During its existence, India has gone from a country with high mortality rates among new mothers to one close to the world average.

It also testified to people’s desire to create small families and appreciate the “born woman” and not get rid of it.


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