Friday, February 14, 2025

The UAE is among Saudi Arabia’s largest trading partners in June


3rd in import and 6th in export among 10 countries

The United Arab Emirates ranked third in the list of importing countries to Saudi Arabia in June 2023 with a value of 3.6 billion riyals (7% of total imports), after China, whose imports accounted for 10 billion riyals (19.5% of total imports) and the United States with 4.3 billion riyals (8.4% of total imports). %) is worth.

India, Switzerland, Singapore, Germany, Egypt, Italy and the Russian Federation were among the top 10 countries that Saudi Arabia imported from, and the total value of Saudi imports from those countries was 31.0 billion riyals, accounting for 60.3% of the total. Among these imports.

Among the ten countries targeted for Saudi exports in June 2023, the United Arab Emirates ranked sixth, while China ranked first, with exports valued at 13.7 billion riyals (15.5% of total exports), followed by South Korea and India, with a value of 8.1 billion. (9.2% of total exports) and 7.7 billion riyals (8.7% of total exports), followed by: Japan in fourth place, USA in fifth place, then Egypt in seventh place, then Malaysia, then France and Singapore are the top 10 countries for Saudi exports, which total 58.5 billion riyals, accounting for 66% of the total of these exports.

  • Non-oil exports

Non-oil exports, including re-exports, fell 45% in Saudi Arabia in June, while cargo imports fell 17.1%. Imports fell by 10.6 billion riyals in June; It was 51.4 billion riyals compared to 62.1 billion riyals in June 2022, and the value of imports decreased by 17.7 billion riyals compared to the previous month.

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Oil exports fell by 44.5 billion riyals, or 38.3% on a year-on-year basis, in June, while exports of goods fell by 39.7%.

Merchandise exports fell to 88.8 billion riyals in June from 147.1 billion in the same month of 2022; As a result of the decrease in oil exports by 44.5 billion riyals; It was 71.9 billion riyals compared to 116.4 billion in June 2022.

The percentage of petroleum exports in total exports has increased from 79.1% in June 2022 to 81% in June 2023. The value of goods exports decreased by 10 billion riyals or 10.1% compared to May 2023.

Non-oil exports including re-exports fell 45.0% from June 2022 as it recorded 16.9 billion riyals compared to 30.7 billion riyals. Non-oil exports excluding re-exports fell 46.1%. Re-exports decreased by 39.8% during the same period. The value of non-oil exports, including re-exports, decreased by 9.9 billion riyals, or 36.8% compared to May 2023.

Rolf Colon
Rolf Colon
"Creator. Award-winning problem solver. Music evangelist. Incurable introvert."

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