Friday, July 21, 2023 / 14:29
Marvel Studios seems to be largely unaffected by the strike of screenwriters and Hollywood actors as the company continued to promote its latest movie “The Marvels” with a new trailer on its YouTube account 3 months after its previous trailer was released.
The film is slated to release on November 10, 2023
According to the magazineVarietyExpected to hit the screens on November 10, 2023, the film is seen as a continuation of the struggle between good and evil coming to conquer the world, which began with the film.Captain is awesome Published in 2019, Brie Larson, Deona Paris, and Samuel L. Jackson continues in the new movie.
The ad, which launched within 10 hours and received more than 600,000 views, offers a look at the unity of a group of supernatural women to confront evil forces and save the universe.
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According to the magazine, it is PictureThe third production of Marvel Studios, which did not reveal much about the details of his story, is preparing to start in 2023, despite the big strike, before which there were “Ant-Man and the Wasp 2” and “Guardians of the Galaxy 3”.
Nia DaCosta is directing “The Incredibles,” and she co-wrote part of the script with the film’s writers, making her the fourth woman to direct a movie produced in the “Marvel Cinematic Universe.”
Larson will reprise his role as Captain Marvel in The Marvels this year, alongside Iman Villainy as Miss. As Marvel, Deona Paris as Monica Rambeau, Samuel L. Jackson also plays Nick Fury.
Movie heroes
The film’s lead actress, Brie Larson, has played notable roles in several American films since her teenage years, but she became a highlight when she presented the movie “Kong” in 2017 as a beautiful abducted by a great ape, for which she won two awards. Oscar and the Golden Globe and his last appearance was in the latest film in the “Fast and Furious” franchise, “Fast X,” alongside James Momoa and Van Diesel.
As for the beautiful actress Deona Paris, she is considered one of the most important faces in the American television and cinema scene today, since her last appearance was a few days ago in the movie “The Clown Tyrone” produced by Netflix, a sci-fi comedy.
2021 was a bus stop for him on his trip to Paris, where he delivered two works of remarkable success, the first was the classic “Wanda Vision” series of Arabic fantasy and superhero films, the second was the classic “Candy Man” of horror films and Bloody Murder.
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