You are now following the news of the terrifying and terrifying appearance of the artist Tonia Batma who appeared without cosmetics with stunning features and terrified the fans.! (See) Now with details
Riyadh – Ruwaida bin Abbas – 05/20/2022 01:20 pm | Follow Favorites
Moroccan actress Tonia Batma recently appeared on social media with a very bold look, she showed shocking features to her fans.
In the details, Moroccan artist Tonia Batma, through her personal account on the Instagram app, bought with a spontaneous look, without putting on cosmetics, without using a photo editing feature called “filters”, and without doing Photoshop. Change in her appearance.
Tonia Putma’s look shocked many of her fans and admirers as they got used to seeing her thin and sculpted from Tonia Putma’s big waist and her face looked like it had no cosmetics.
A few days later, the site’s pioneers shared her looks remarkably and responded to those who spread the photo and talked about her waist size, through a photo she posted on her personal account on the Instagram app. , Where he wore a Moroccan kaftan and a belt around his waist and pulled in the middle of the big conversation of the followers of the song “Mal Habibi Makash”.
Moroccan artist Tonia Patma is a singer, born in 1991, a notable descendant of the well-known Moroccan family and artist Tariq Badma.
“Coffee evangelist. Alcohol fanatic. Hardcore creator. Infuriatingly humble zombie ninja. Writer. Introvert. Music fanatic.”