Home Top News Tax officials in Dubai, new season

Tax officials in Dubai, new season

Tax officials in Dubai, new season

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Reality stars and influencers love Dubai. Capital allows them to shoot blue backgrounds and provide “stories” on social networks. The sun shines there all year round. Most importantly, the country does not impose any income tax. This is a great argument, and tax improvement consulting sites are on the web regarding the UAE. But this would not have escaped the French tax authorities, especially when your life and your activities take place in public on screen.

The hunt for tax evaders in Dubai has accelerated. It is specifically based on a file purchased by Germany, which shares it with third countries, including France. Even in the distance, when their activity is carried out there, it will contain the names of thousands of people who have escaped home tax. Percy fraudulently claims that the tax haven status as an asset to attract influencers who contribute to the country’s aesthetic influence is undoubtedly not making friends in the United Arab Emirates.

The story is a podcast of “echoes” by Pierre Faye. This episode was recorded in June 2021. Editor-in-Chief: Clemens Lemistre. Guests: Isabel Goode (“Echoes” journalist), Nicola Keratren (“Echoes” reporter in the United Arab Emirates) and Laurent Benny (balance.). Director: Willie Conne. Music: Theo Bowlanger. Graphic Identity: Upian. Photo: iStock. Sounds: W9, “Mary S Infiltre”, SIM “Line”, Knobsis “Paradise Fiscal”, Johnny Holiday “I have what I gave”.

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